No-one would have dreamed that a Frnch woman would become a mother to the Sixth Fleet. Nevertheless, this is what happened through a chain of events sparked off by a genius.
When asked how she could work such long, strenuous hours and yet have so much time for others, she would reply : “It’s easy ! I simply do what my heart tells me”. She treated everyone alike, officers, non-commissioned officers and sailors, as if they were her own sons.
Germaine read in the eyes of these sailors the veiled sadness which is so characteristic of young men far away from home. She understood and spoke their language. They could talk to her and tell her their troubles. She would listen and answer from the heart. Compassion was and always would be the driving force of her life. “MOM GERMAINE’S adress in Villefranche was passed on from ship to ship. She became so famous that the American Navy asked a film producer to make a movie about this dearly loved and highly respected lady.
Françoise Rosay was chosen to play the part of GERMAINE in the film. Later, this great actress had lunch at MERE GERMAINE’S and expressed her regret that the producer had not asked GERMAINE to play the part herself.
Her reputation spread like wild fire. She became a household name on every ship of the merican Navy.
Celebrities were anxious to sample GERMAINE’S cooking, now that she had herself become something of a celebrity. One glance at the restaurant’s visitors’ book suffices ; it contains the most pretigious names in WHO’S WHO.